Gofood in Tokopedia Collaboration with GOJEK

Pria Kusumawardana


UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer




Scope and Timeline

Pada tahun 2021, Gojek berusaha mengintegrasikan GoFood ke Tokopedia. Proyek ini melibatkan kolaborasi erat dengan tim GoFood, meliputi Desain, Pemasaran, Riset, dan Manajemen Proyek. Saya bertanggung jawab atas semua aspek perjalanan pelanggan: Pencarian, GoFood Home, Pengambilan Keputusan, Checkout & Promo, dan Riwayat Pesanan. Desain proyek harus diselesaikan dalam tiga bulan, dengan fokus utama pada peningkatan pengalaman pengguna dan memastikan tiap tahapan perjalanan pelanggan berjalan lancar.
In 2021, Gojek aimed to integrate GoFood into Tokopedia. This project involved close collaboration with the GoFood team, including Design, Marketing, Research, and Project Management. I was responsible for all aspects of the customer journey: Search, GoFood Home, Decision Making, Checkout & Promotion, and Order History. The project design needed to be completed within three months, with a primary focus on enhancing the user experience and ensuring each stage of the customer journey ran smoothly.

Problem Area

Tantangan utama dalam desain adalah keterbatasan waktu, terutama karena kurangnya pemahaman mendalam tentang pola dan perilaku pengguna GoFood. Selain itu, jumlah desainer yang terbatas juga menjadi kendala.
GoFood dan Tokopedia memberikan pengalaman yang berbeda bagi pengguna mereka dalam hal mencari makanan. Di GoFood, fokusnya lebih pada menemukan makanan siap saji, sedangkan di Tokopedia, penekanannya adalah pada pembelian makanan yang perlu dimasak. Selain itu, struktur data backend dari kedua platform juga berbeda.
Keterbatasan sumber daya dalam proyek yang ketat dapat menjadi hambatan dalam mendukung integrasi antara Tokopedia dan GoFood.
Risiko pengalaman pengguna yang kurang optimal karena terhadap kualitas desain selama pengembangan karena waktu yang lumayan terbatas.
The main challenge in the design was the time constraint, especially due to the lack of deep understanding of GoFood users' patterns and behavior. Additionally, the limited number of designers was also a constraint.
GoFood and Tokopedia offer different user experiences in terms of food search. GoFood focuses on ready-to-eat food, whereas Tokopedia emphasizes purchasing food that requires cooking. Moreover, the backend data structures of the two platforms differ.
Limited resources in a tight project timeline can hinder the support for integration between Tokopedia and GoFood.
There is a risk of suboptimal user experience due to design quality issues during development given the relatively limited time.

Goal and Objective:

Menyederhanakan proses dengan strategi efisien, seperti riset cepat dan kolaborasi tim, memastikan solusi desain dapat diterapkan secara efektif dalam waktu singkat.
Stream process with efficient strategies, such as quick research and team collaboration, to ensure that design solutions can be implemented effectively in a short period of time.
From a designer's perspective, we aim to create an experience similar to Gojek by leveraging Tokopedia's design patterns and design system. From a technical standpoint, our focus is to ensure seamless integration of all data and APIs between the two systems.
Utilize the Design System and design patterns in Tokopedia, and provide side-by-side design reviews.
Delegate tasks to four designers to enhance the initial process, which includes research, competitive analysis, and UX design.

Success Metric:

Total Orders:
Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Conversion Rate

The Process:

1. Mapping and Scoping Project

To streamline task allocation in product design, I have divided it into 5 journeys from PRD and further deconstructed the project's requirements into essential components.

2. Engage a delegated designer to enhance the project.

Untuk mempercepat proses desain, saya meminta bantuan tugas kepada empat desainer untuk bekerja sama dengan saya dalam melakukan riset, competitor analysis, information architecture, dan UX Exploration dalam waktu dua sprint. Kami juga akan mengadakan pertemuan setiap minggu dua kali untuk memastikan semua orang berada di jalur yang sama dengan rencana waktu yang sesuai.
Riset yang dilakukan oleh tim internal meliputi peninjauan hasil riset sebelumnya di Tokopedia dan Gojek, serta melakukan competitor analysis seperti GoFood, Grab Food, Shopee Food, dan Traveloka Eat.
To expedite the design process, I enlisted the help of four designers to collaborate with me on conducting research, competitor analysis, information architecture, and UX exploration over the course of two sprints. We will also hold meetings twice a week to ensure everyone stays aligned with the timeline.
The research conducted by the internal team includes reviewing past research results from Tokopedia and Gojek, as well as conducting competitor analysis on platforms such as GoFood, GrabFood, ShopeeFood, and Traveloka Eat.

3. Conduct an exploration of UX design.

Kami fokus pada eksplorasi desain dengan fase yang sangat cepat untuk mencapai layout yang sesuai sebelum memasuki tahap desain antarmuka (UI). Proses ini dipercepat dengan membagi tugas di antara empat anggota tim, yang memungkinkan kami untuk lebih fokus pada kebutuhan dan pengalaman pengguna.
We design exploration with a very rapid phase to achieve the appropriate layout before entering the user interface (UI) design stage. This process was expedited by distributing tasks among the four team members, allowing us to concentrate more on user needs and experiences.

1. Entry Point

The focus is to provide exposure to the Gofood Discopage through: Search Autocomplete, Search Result, Suggestion Search, and Product icons on the home page carousel banner.
User Experience
User Interface

2. Discopage

The focus is to help customers explore the best-selected categories and merchants near their area through the following elements: Home Discopage, Search, Banners, Unique Selling Propositions (USP), Curated Categories, Buy Again widget, and Food Categories and Nearest Merchant options
User Experience
User Interface

3. Merchant Page

To explore menu options with multiple variants on the merchant's page, customers can perform various actions such as searching for a menu, sharing merchant details, viewing ratings, selecting categories, choosing menu variations, checking menu details, providing menu notes, and adding or removing items from their order.
User Experience
User Interface

3. Order History

To track purchased orders and display information for every status change of the order, and to serve as a communication bridge between the buyer and Gojek driver.
User Experience
User Interface
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Posted Nov 11, 2024

Order food in Tokopedia collaboration with GOJEK






UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer




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