Creating Colombia’s new electronics marketplace - Unilago 📱

Ana Antunes

Web Designer
Market Researcher
Product Designer
Unilago is an electronics shopping mall in Bogotá, Colombia, with 270 shops specializing in hardware, software, accessories, audio/video products, and technical repair/services.
The owners maintain a website where you can browse shops and products, but not buy. During the pandemic, the shops - which are mostly small businesses - had to turn to WhatsApp or even create their own websites to reach clients. The mall is still struggling with empty shop spaces and is only now starting to see more people visiting in person.
The owners want to be prepared and have an idea to turn the Unilago website into a marketplace where customers can browse products and check offers from all shops in the mall. They hope that this will bring more visitors and more shops interested in leasing spaces with them.
We were tasked with researching the e-commerce scenario in Colombia and how we could set up the new marketplace easily and cheaply. The results we have so far are from our first presentation, where we introduced our thoughts regarding this business model and shared the first prototype for the new website.
Check out the full process 👇🏻
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