Cubyts Repository: SaaS platform for all design documentation

Megha Rao


Product Designer

Design Systems Specialist

Creative Designer


Problem Statements

Design teams generate a significant amount of documents during a project, including requirement documents, research transcripts, synthesis documents, design files, prototypes, and feedback files. These often come from various tools, creating the issue of no single location for consolidation. This problem is also relevant to product teams.
The journey of a product or feature's visuals and design decisions are not readily available.
Often, new documents are created even when templates from previous use cases exist. There is no system in place to suggest reusing resources.
Each tool has its own access specifications, and companies limit the number of licenses for a tool. A consolidated feedback system for all stakeholders is lacking.
There is no flexible grouping/searching mechanism for users to view by project, user, client, etc. This is usually managed manually by the team, if it exists at all.


Platform that consolidates project documents from different tools (Figma, Google, Notion) and organises it into an intuitive folder structure that can be viewed, collaborated on and searched for semantically. Additionally, users can create custom collections choosing specific sources from tools of their choice (Eg: All files of payment team from Figma, Github, Google Drive etc).

Project-based folder structure and allows custom folder creation for those using it as their product management tool.

Cubyts is a design project management tool. It auto-creates folders for each project, housing all related documents (PRDs, designs, etc.) in one place, simplifying the search process.
In response to feedback from teams already using existing product suites, we developed integrations with Jira, Slack, Drive, and more. These integrations are designed to mirror the project structure of those tools.

Intelligent Grouping of Files with Collections for Specific Tools and Projects

Companies with multiple product teams often require custom grouping of documents. For instance, Company A's Payments team may only want to view documents from their projects on Jira and Figma, including relevant files in drive folders. Users can select tools and customize access for relevant members, creating what we call "Collections."

Preview and feedback of all document types in a single location

Users can preview all files in one location, including Figma prototypes, Google Sheets, and Confluence documents. Any comments made on these files are also copied to Cubyts, ensuring a centralized feedback system.

Intelligent Search Mechanism

We developed a vector-based search function for users to search by content within documents, in addition to title, creator, and type, allowing quick document detail view and opening for more detail as needed.

Document logs showing key actions on the document

We've designed logs to record key actions, such as comments, status changes, and location updates, on documents. This ensures everyone stays updated on task progress.

Displaying Document Locations and Related Documents

A document can be referenced across multiple platforms like Figma, Jira, Slack, or email. Cubyts consolidates these references, offering a holistic view of the document's history for user's action.
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Posted Jun 21, 2024

I designed the experience (interactions and visuals) for a consolidated SaaS based file management platform






Product Designer

Design Systems Specialist

Creative Designer


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