Windsor Essex Community Health Centre – Outreach, Marketing

Wesley Foster


Brand Strategist

Marketing Strategist

Financial Consultant



Microsoft Excel

WECHC is a non-profit organization focused on providing free health care to low-income and at-risk communities. They have many health centers for a wide range of services, but you wouldn't have known it due to their lack of uniformity in their brand and advertising. I gave them the strategy and tools for a cohesive singular brand so WECHC was recognized, no matter the name of the center or its location. This had to be done through very price-sensitive and free tactics as they were a non-profit operating on grants and public donations. The goal was community outreach to their consumers, who had limited or no access to technology or the internet, so we had to establish cohesive and informative advertising strategies through physical advertising operations as price efficient as possible. They successfully established full uniformity in their brand across all of their centers, including the design of their logos, buildings, signs, color schemes, fonts, phone numbers, website, and all advertising.
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Posted Jul 6, 2024

A non-profit with many services and centers across the city lacked brand cohesiveness. Marketing tactics for a housing insecure and no-income population.






Windsor Essex Community Health Centre (WECHC)


Brand Strategist

Marketing Strategist

Financial Consultant



Microsoft Excel

Wesley Foster

Business Development Specialist - Growth, Marketing, Data

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