Data Modelling Analyst
Data Engineer
Software Engineer
Data Analysis
.data model
and dimnensions
in a layman termdatetime_dim
dimension tableGranularity
of data.The level of detail at which the attributes and characteristics (columns) of data are defined
so the more we dive deeper the granularity of data becomes (individual level info) and the more we aggregate data the granularity becomes higher (department level info). High Granularity can be related to as seeing a whole picture (bigger view) and low level granularity means seeing individual elements of the whole picture. e.g seeing an individual salary would be lower granular and seeing the department's average salary would be high granular level of detail.passenger_count_dim
dimension tabletrip_distance_dim
dimension tablerate_code_dim
dimension tablepickup_location_dim
dimension tablePULocationID
and DOLocationID
column which doesn't mean anything to us unless we have a location name. Therefore, we will be using a lookup table which has mappings for each of location_id and their zone/location. If we refer to the above diagram, the lookup table which i am referring to is as followsdropoff_location_dim
dimension tablepayment_type_dim
dimension tablefact_table
dimension tablePosted Jan 12, 2024
A Complete Data Engineering Workflow, Data Modelling and Advanced Analytics using Python, DuckDB - GitHub - DanielOX/Data-Engineering-Workflow-DUCKDB: A Comple…
Data Modelling Analyst
Data Engineer
Software Engineer
Data Analysis