Music for Louis Vuitton Watch Prize - Finalists

Davies Aguirre

Music Producer
Music Curator
Adobe Premiere Pro
Pro Tools
Louis Vuitton


The Louis Vuitton Watch Prize for Independent Creatives is a prestigious event that recognizes exceptional innovation and artistry in watchmaking.

This time, I was responsible for crafting the music for the presentation of the finalists, who were each featured in brief videos discussing their roles and experiences at the event.

More About the event ⬇️

Music Selected

The song that was used for the video was "The Duchess's Secret".

The Duchess' Secret is a Period Neoclassical violin Thriller Music track featuring a full symphonic orchestra with epic braams, raw violins and Strings, clocks, clockworks sounds, col legno and percussion.

Similar tracks here ⬇️


When I deliver a track, I offer various versions of the same piece. For this project, the version featuring strings resonated with the team, and they chose it for the 5 videos.


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