Website & dashboard design for B2B print supplier

Hugo Bourgeois

Web Designer
UX Designer
Product Designer
Adobe Illustrator

About the client

Innotech is a B2B supplier of print media and display hardware, leader in its market thanks to 80 years of experience.

My work

Redesign the e-commerce website on desktop & create a mobile version.
Redesign the company's blog to make it more user-friendly & SEO-effective, in order to support the new marketing strategy.
Design a custom dashboard from the ground up, with a focus on accessibility & ease of use, where Innotech's customers can control every aspect of their online orders & billing, manage company users & set up different account permissions in their teams, and much more.
Design in full a loyalty scheme to boost fidelity among customer base & increase recurring orders.
Quick view of several pages of the e-commerce website
Quick view of several pages of the e-commerce website
Main page of the dashboard
Main page of the dashboard
The dashboard is designed for the clients to have an overview of their spendings, track their orders, manage saved baskets and favorite products to order them in one click, reach out to the support team and much more.
The focus was on accessibility and ease of use for all segments of users, from people with little digital literacy to power users.
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