Another traditional iftar dish that is served is Anjero (Canjeero), also known as Lahooh (Laxoox), a light, spongy sourdough pancakes considered one of the most delicious Somali dishes. The Anjero batter is made of a combination of different types of flours, including sorghum, wheat, and white corn flour. The batter is prepared in the morning and is left to ferment for a few hours. An hour before iftar, the batter is cooked on circular pans on a stove. Normally, Anjero is the common breakfast food among Somalis and usually is eaten on its own dipped in oil and sugar, and accompanied by a cup of tea. But during Ramadan, Anjero is a favorite iftar dish and is served with liver and onions, or with suqaar, a meat stew. Anjero is not only a delicacy but also is traditionally believed to be healthy food. Fresh fruits and custard are also occasional fixtures on iftar tables.