Somaliland: Other Somalis Crave for Somaliland’s One-Man One-Vo…

Umayma Essa


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Any Somali in the region should consider the magnitude of what’s happening in the expanses of the major towns of Somaliland, the immense c
olorful campaign among the three parties vying for the upcoming Presidential election. The People of Somaliland have done something beautiful in the past three weeks.
Politics in the region of Somalis have long been criticized with a fiasco of inherently failure and violence and never it been appraised that Somalis would ever reap any good from it, but people of Somaliland in the current Presidential campaign were stirring –that Politics somewhere in the horn, when practiced in a vibrant and open democratic society, where the supporters with their candidates act and speak responsibly and thoughtfully, it can be beautiful.
This is not the first and the second Elections being held in Somaliland, but apparently this election is the first of its type in the whole region, if not the whole continent. Two things in the event delighted me that I couldn’t leave without uttering it.
First, the Presidential Election debate. Bringing the three Somaliland presidential candidates in the stage and question them about their policies towards the major issues of the country before the people of Somaliland and letting the world witness is something the history will always tribute to the Inspire Group (IG), the youth that hosted this and made the incident of this occasion be possible. The interesting datum about this event is the novelty of such culture to the political world of Somalis and whole politics of the region. Actions to be turned into Habits do advance with the time, this a beginning that Somalilanders will reach in political maturity where the candidates will be more accountable to citizens they demand vote from, and will help the people get educated about the candidates’ intend and whose is more devoted towards the betterment of the nation, and will create a better informed democracy.
Second, the massive gathering of people in the presidential election campaign. That vibe of the people and the leaders. In the past three weeks Somaliland’s sun was rising with either one of the beautiful colors of the parties’ symbol; the Orange of Waddani, the Yellow of Kulmiye and Green of Ucid party. Although those colors naturally allure, still each party’s supporters campaigning with their color looked the chicest in their own. The Ordinary People coming together from all the corners of the town, walking through the streets in masses of women, men, children. Waving their party’s flag and signing and shouting to their words, is something not all Somalis ever experienced.
Those presidential election campaigns that spoke of patriotism and unity also spoke of an infant democracy in action, in all its messy, beautiful, order-upsetting glory. Though in fact it is sort of ‘yell for your uncle and back your clan’, still many Somalis in the other edges of the region are craving for this togetherness. They crave for this democracy, they crave for citizens voting and electing, not all Somalis are blessed with the opportunity to vote, even if it is voting your uncle from others he is not better than.
Despite its defective, this Somaliland presidential campaigns has delivered something splendor that other Somalis in the region are craving for and the rest of the world is witnessing. I don’t expect anything less from my fellow Somalilanders than peacefully determining the destiny of our nation and worlds’ stance from our Somaliland.
Umayma Good
Waxaa jirta deeq rabaaniya oo ilaahay u haddayadeeyey ummadiisa ragg iyo dumar ba sidaa darted waxa mudan in aan ka faaiidaysano Waxaa hubaal ah oo aan shiki ku jirin ina qof waliba uu illahay siiyey awood uu ku kaafin karo noloshiisa, hadaba waxaa muhiim ah inaa la fahamo awoodda aad leedahay taasoo oo aad ku hanaan karto yoolka aan nolosha ka l
eedhay sidaa dartee waxaa loo baahan yahay inaynu ogaano, marka fariintan waxaa u gudibanayaa gabadhkastaa inay awoodd leedahay oo waxaa kasto ay qabsan karto heer ku gaadhayso karto nafteeda una fahmi karto doorka ay ku leedahy diinta islaamka.
Waxaan dareemi karaanaa ama aan si bidaynaa inaynaa awood u lahayn wax qabakeena lakiin Ma ogtahay inay baal dahab ah kaga jiraan dumarkii hore ee diinta islaamka ma ogtahay inuu quraan ku ka hadalay dumar117jeer oo ugu hadlaayey si ixitiraam leh quraanku waxaa uu ka hadalay iyadda oo xaas ah ,inan ah, boqorada ah ,hooyo ah, ma ogtahay ina ay dumar ahayd qofkii u horayey ee diinta daraadeed u dhintay ama shihiidantaa ina ay ahayd Sumaya. ma ogtahay Nebbi Maxammed scw inuu dhintay isagoo ku jiifa dhabta xaaskiisa caasha tani waxaa inooga cadaanaysa ina ay dumarku yihiin naxariista iyo wanaagu ka imanayaa ay tahay dumar, ma ogtahay ina ay dhakhtirkii ugu horeeya ee diinta islaamku ay ahayd gabadh ma ogtahay inay dumarka inaa lagu aaminay waxa ugu qaalisan diinta islaamka buugii ugu horeeyey loo dhiibay oo ilaalaalinaysa xafsa ibu cumar, ma ogtahay inuu ahaa qofkii ugu horeyey diinta islaamku ee wariis noqdaa inay ahayd dumar oo la odhan jiray shifaa waxaa jira dumar badan oo reer galbeed ah oo aya markasta tariikhudu xusto ama ku loolamaya inay ku tartamaa kursiga ugu sareeya waxaa ku hamiyaa ina ay baddalaan adduunka sida Hillary Clinton ama Opera Winfery. waxaa jira iyaguna gabdho soomaaliyeed oo hami sare leh oo doonaya ina ay adduunkan waxaa ku soo kordhiyaan
Haddaba iyadda oo ay sidaa tahay magaran karaan awoodda alle ina siiyey ma ogtahay hooyadda oo ilmaheedda korisa oo ay tarbiyeyso sifiicana ay lamid tahay qof habeeen iyo maalin tukanayey tani tusaale inoogu filan.
Ha nicin nolosha oo ha ka quusan waa u qalantaaa guusha waan waxa lagaadhi karo ma ogtahay gabadha reer kalihi inay fursad uhaysto ina ay dhasho oo ay koriso ubadkii barito duniddan waxa u qaban lahaa ma ogtahay hadii dumar ay sawjkeedda adaceedo inay ku mutaysanayso janno, maahmaah ayaa tidhaahda’ guul rag gaadho dumarbaa kadanbeeya” nolosha oo laga quustaana waxay leehaday dhibaatooyin badan dulinnimo haddaba dumark muslimka waxaa lagu yaqaanay ficil iyo firfircoon gabadha walibana waxa ay leedahay aragti ay waxa ku qabsan karto.
Wa Billahi Tawfiq.
Umalkhyr N Cumar
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Posted Feb 14, 2024

Any Somali in the region should consider the magnitude of what’s happening in the expanses of the major towns of Somaliland, the immense colorful campaign amon…






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Umayma Essa

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