Muffin Median is a Video Production Company that makes all kinds of videos from Animated illustration bits to 3D videos and even provides video editing services of Influencers. I worked on revamping their website to express their true nature.
The Thought Process
A service like video production can usually be consumed by a brand or service that has already established their purpose of existence. Anything entry level will be immediately rejected by our potential customers. This means that the website should look professional, precise and powerful while restoring the essence of their offering.
The visual language translated then should be:
The Work Process
✧ Inspiration:
For any idea to flower, there is an immense need for existing ideas to be explored bot only to find what to do but also to learn what not to do.
I explored multiple websites that offered the same service and also looked at client's brands as well to understand their taste.
✧ Ideation:
I then created multiple prompts for Chat GPT, some of them even measuring over 3 paragraphs and bounced around for finally achieving a structure for the website that has the right amount of sections for features, benefits, testimonials and CTAs.
✧ Design and Development:
I followed the structure we finalised and started with the copy and here are some of the design choices I made:
Font: Nunito
It is modern and usually pairs well with a company that works on animated videos which projects a but of playfulness.
A vibrant set of colours helps in differentiating 9 different services offered by Muffin Media.
Grid: 4 Pixel grid with maximum spacing of 128px specifically used for the web.
Sticker or patch of "Let's Work Together" in continuous rotation made the website look more lively, friendly and inviting.
Using a slick text effect where the tagline of Muffin Media would cycle through these 3 words made it look advanced. "Educate, Elevate and Engage"
Section load transitions that are now easier than ever to apply using Framer Motion took the website scrolling experience up a notch.
✧ Result:
Super Speed: A huge improvement in load times affected the bounce rate as we have a 100/100 rating on all aspects over page-speed.
Increased Lead-Generation: Restructuring of information made the website content more absorbable and directional. Users seem to be clicking on services they want directly and sending queries as opposed to exploring all the services and getting overwhelmed by the offerings.
Product Market-Fit: Identification of what works and what doesn't can only happen when people know where to go. Good restructuring has helped Muffin Media recognise which services they want to cater to the most. In fact, we're now building a separate product from it.
I am happy with the result and so are they. The relationship with Muffin Media continues for me as I build on top of the services they provide keep on updating the website.