Documenting Addepar's Design System

Taylor Woolridge


Content Editor

Content Writer

Design Systems Specialist



Google Sheets


In Spring 2024, the Addepar design system team had reached a new milestone –– they were wrapping up a new component library that would be used to redesign the entire platform.
However, the lack of documentation on how, where, and when to use these components was preventing them from an official launch.
I was brought in to document 32 components, primarily from scratch, as well as design the image examples to publish to the Docs site by the summer.
The goal was mighty but simple: enable Addepar designers to work more efficiently and consistently through detailed documentation.



I began by planning out the project:
Created a support plan, outlining the proposed tasks, deliverables, and timeline.
Created a draft template
Support plan and draft template
Support plan and draft template

Writing and editing

From there, I audited and organized tasks that needed to be completed:
Made a list of all components that needed documentation, with any relevant resources.
Set a goal to complete ~4/week, working within google docs to allow for easy collaboration with my product design partner.
Documented progress by sharing the status of each component.
Moved all completed docs to a Google folder.
Went back to edit and align all anatomy content for consistency
Progress tracking and live collaboration
Progress tracking and live collaboration
Completed documentation
Completed documentation
Align copy for consistency
Align copy for consistency


Content examples
Content examples

Designing images

All components have images to show things like anatomy, types, and placement. I wanted to again ensure consistency across components, so I began working on additional resources in Figma:
Image standards
An APL Docs example
An image template
Image standards
Image standards
Example and template
Example and template
Some of these standards were created as I went and found additional needs, and some were created at the start.
From there, I created a page for every component and styled the images needed based on the documentation. For example, some components have multiple types, others don't.
I sorted components by A-Z to make it as easy as possible to find the component you're looking for.
Every individual image is a frame in Figma, making it seamless to copy an embed link to publish directly on our docs site.
All components
All components
Examples of component images
Examples of component images
Figma frame naming
Figma frame naming

Restructuring the Docs site IA

When I began to plan out the longer form content for APL, I came to the conclusion that the current structure of the Docs site was unintuitive. Pages were buried in tabs, making it difficult to navigate.
I looked at best-in-class design systems, like Carbon and Primer, to see how other systems are structured. They often followed a single left menu pattern with sections by function.
Design system inspo
Design system inspo
From there, I outlined the current APL docs IA and proposed a couple of alternative options. I shared those concepts with the broader team and we landed on a new IA.
There would be very little lift from design, we'd just need to polish the UI to give our dev team a final mock. Engineering however would need to go in and restructure how they had originally built the Docs site.
The before and after:
New IA design
New IA design
Like this project

Posted Jun 21, 2024

Outlining the what, when and where of using the 32 Addepar Design System components. Plus restructuring the site IA and designing 100+ consistent images.








Content Editor

Content Writer

Design Systems Specialist



Google Sheets

Writing for Addepar Content Standards
Writing for Addepar Content Standards
ekilu – iOS app
ekilu – iOS app