Tokopedia Beli Rutin, UI/UX Mvp Case Study

Ariefadly Ahmadinata


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Beli Rutin, Mvp case Study on Tokopedia apps

What is tokopedia Beli Rutin ?

Tokopedia Beli Rutin is a new feature for users to buy products for their needs every week/month without repeating user actions every month at low/wholesale prices.

Tokopedia Beli Rutin Features

Beli Rutin feature where users can buy the same product for a period of months or weeks with one user action
give a cheaper price when shopping a lot
make a regular shopping list
Reminder before buying next month/week


Business Challenge
Tokopedia is growing rapidly in the midst of Indonesia's development. Even though Tokopedia's active users continue to grow, it doesn't break the user's habit of shopping monthly, namely buying the same product every month by having to spend time going to the supermarket or market.
User's Problem
Departing from the problem, users are tired of doing the same user action every month to buy the same product regularly every week/month. A solution has emerged where Tokopedia can offer a new feature that works for Tokopedia users to routinely buy/subscribe products with one user action.
Project Goals
Make it easier for Tokopedia users to buy regularly/subscribe products for their needs every week/month without repeating user actions every month by getting cheap/wholesale prices
user benefits
can make monthly/weekly purchases with one user action
Get a reminder before next month's purchase
consumers can measure their monthly or weekly expenses
Business Outcomes
open another route, namely regular subscription/buying apart from buying units
strengthen the buying and selling brand


know the problems of the user when making purchases of routine needs. know more about the user's habits in doing it.
surveys & interviews
Survey Criteria
Tokopedia users
ever shop online
Interview Criteria
age 20 - 30 workers / already married
often shop online for daily needs
often shop offline for daily needs
Survey Quantitative Research
The aim is to know the behavior and experience of the user for monthly purchases and monthly purchases.
users routinely buy products for their needs every week/month with the same items, especially products for daily needs, with most users being traders, office workers, and those who are married.
Interview Qualitative Research
the purpose of knowing the problems of the user when making purchases of routine needs. know more about the user's habits in doing it
Comparative Research





usability testing
users want to shop monthly through the online platform because they don't have time to shop monthly because of their busy schedule.As a new user with this new feature, the user can make a monthly shopping list and can shop monthly through the routine purchase feature of the Tokopedia.
Task 1 found tokopedia beli rutin
Task 2 explore tokopedia beli rutin
Task 3 create shopping list
Task 4 edit shopping list (delete items, delete shopping lists, and add items)
Task 5 open reminder


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Posted May 6, 2022

Beli Rutin, Mvp case Study on Tokopedia apps






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