Promotional Poster and Sticker Design

valentina galbusera


Print Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

Promotional poster and bumper sticker design for student-led organization in Gainesville, FL called Florida Not One More.
Florida Not One More is a college student-led group united to pressure those in power to make our roads safe in Gainesville. This organization was formed in light of the many tragic deaths of students and residents due to pedestrian car crashes that have occurred over the past couple years. The city of Gainesville and the University of Florida have taken minor steps to resolve road and driving safety around main avenues and streets, and there needs to be more of a  change in the urban planning logic around campus and other areas.
The mission or goal of Florida Not One More is to promote lowering the speed limit and to redesign our roads into “complete” streets that include protected bike lanes, raised sidewalks, speed bumps, and transit lanes. For the concept of the design, I boiled down these specific initiatives into a single message, protecting and prioritizing the pedestrian. The illustrations are formatted in a modern, hyper- playful style to highlight that this cause is led by and composed of college students. I chose to go with a  simple, complementary color palette of various hues of orange and blue — to not only keep all the elements from being too overwhelming, but to also bring in a reference to UF. However, since this is a serious movement and it also brings awareness to the victims of pedestrian crashes in Gainesville, I made the tones of the design more muted rather than too bright or soft. I chose the Kabel font because it was clean, bold, and felt relevant to the style of illustration and the storyboard layout I pursued  – and in order to capture the public’s eye, I enlarged keywords at various sizes, such as HEY and VIP (very important pedestrian). The slogan or main message I made for both the poster and bumper sticker is : “ Be a Good Driver. Protect Our Pedestrians.” — and I included the organization’s #FLNotOneMore across both designs as well.
Overall, I wanted the poster and bumper sticker to reflect the Florida Not One More overall mission and spread positive awareness, while emphasizing that it is a college student-led group that is fighting for an important cause in our local community.
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Posted Oct 1, 2022

Promotional poster and bumper sticker design for student-led organization in Gainesville, FL called Florida Not One More.






Print Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

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