CRED Store / 2021-'23

Siddharth Kumar


Product Designer

Product Strategist

UI Designer

CRED store started of as an experiment to gauge if there was an audience for a curated e-commerce platform that catered to a lifestyle need.
The idea was to make a lifestyle and member only shopping platform where you get curated products especially for you. We wanted to bring out niche products that you might miss otherwise. It was to build an impulse led store.
In the end of 2020 after an year of experiments, I along with my lead on this, Ajinkya Bhagwat started to plan and design for the large scale 0 TO 1 Store launch which would have a set shopping funnel with extra features like PDP, Cart , Filters etc.
In the past 2 years, we worked continously on Store to enable the platform for daily engagement by making short form games like Deal of Day and Lucky strike.
I also got a chance to set up an operations system for daily collateral need and defined photography and branding guidelines for the store product.
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Posted Aug 13, 2023

Entire launch and scaling of an end to end e- commerce product for CRED.








Product Designer

Product Strategist

UI Designer

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