Partyrider: UX / UI events App design

Kutaje J. Oghenevwaire

Interaction Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer

Find private parties near you with Partyrider

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With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the social life of many people was greatly affected as they resorted to organizing house parties to escape the COVID-19 protocols. Long after the pandemic, People now enjoy house parties like they do nightclubs.

The Partyrider app helps organizers promote their house party while managing its visibility and guests. Users can search for their next fun party (including house parties) happening around them.


Traditional clubs are restrictive and have become boring because the events/activities are repetitive and drinks are sold at exorbitant prices. This has led young and middle-aged Nigerians to turn to house parties instead but they rely on friends to discover parties where they can have fun without restrictions.

On the flip side, House party organizers manually manage their guest list and struggle to keep party details exclusive without attracting security operatives and thugs who harass attendees.


  • 80% of users described the app as delightful, appealing, and interesting after completing an impression test (The picking adjectives method)
  • 8.3/10 Overall NPS rating of the users' satisfaction with the app experience after completing assigned tasks during the usability test

Final designs

Onboarding screens


Setup profile

Profile setup

Create party


  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Secondary research
  • User Survey
  • User Interviews
  • Competitive analysis
  • Journey mapping
  • Mid-fi wireframing
  • Interface design
  • Prototyping
  • Usability testing


  • High fidelity design - Figma file
  • Competitive analysis report
  • Journey map
  • Usability test report

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