AdvisoryAI - Mobile app design

Geo Tharappel


UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer



Designed a companion mobile app for users of the AdvisoryAI web application - an AI SaaS for financial advisors. We studied the existing web application and designed a mobile app that can be used by the advisors to record and transcribe in-person meetings. Delivered in 2 weeks.

Project Requirement

The client had an existing web application that needed a companion mobile app to assist financial advisors to record their in-person meetings.
The mobile app had to be designed in a way that it could integrate with the existing features on the web application.

Execution and Delivery

Studied the existing web application and mapped out the best approach to build out the mobile app.
Created the information architecture and wireflows for the app
Created multiple iterations for the visual language of the app
Delivered high fidelity designs and basic prototype of the full app.


The final designs were delivered in 2 weeks - enabling the client to proceed with planning and implementing the development.
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Posted Sep 30, 2024

Designed a companion mobile app for users of the AdvisoryAI web application - an AI SaaS for financial advisors. Delivered in 2 weeks.






UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


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