Focusmate Social Media Ideas

Justine Triunfo



Infographic Designer


A Personal Assignment
Usually when people hear the word 'entrepreneur' they imagine someone who works for themselves and, probably, by themselves, and probably already rich. 'Entrepreneur' just sounds rich. What they probably don't imagine is a lonely person- someone who has to go out of their way to find community.
Enter Focusmate.
I've been a part of their virtual coworking community for a few months now and so when they announced that they were hiring, I jumped at the chance. The above video (I designed using Canva) was for a possible post on their LinkedIn page and the images below were for a possible carousel post on Instagram.
Although they decided to move in a different direction,
it was a pleasure to learn more about Focusmate and I'm proud of myself for applying. I tried and that's only more motivation for when I try again.
As for my process,
I thought about what I already see as one of their users 🙇🏻‍♀️
Each applicant was provided hex codes of their brand colors and PNG files of their brand logos. Their overall branding is minimalist but approachable- I liken it to Notion but more purple-y. Their design is as simple as it is because their message is simple: distraction-free productivity. That's it and that's all it needs to be.
With only 2-3 hours to complete all 4 tasks, I was (thankfully) given no time to overthink.
I had to research at the same time as design. In fact, while I designed the first task, I listened to the podcast that was for the second task. I used curved elements because their illustration of two users fist-bumping has one.
I also wrote copy to accompany the tasks (this was part of the assignment, not me being extra). Below was for the third task: write a caption to accompany a tweet, which will be shared to LinkedIn.
What I'd do differently 💁🏻‍♀️
Well, other than do a better job of convincing them I'm their best candidate 🙋🏻‍♀️ I'd say I keep it pretty much the same. Until I receive the feedback I requested, I know I was in the right headspace to design and gave it my best. While I hope one day to be a part of their team, I also know that this rejection is more of a redirection.
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Posted Sep 9, 2022

I created social media posts for a start-up company that I admire and am also a customer of.









Infographic Designer


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