Social Media Management

Aaron Bruce Clarin

Social Media Strategist
In the realm of social media, my unique approach to organic content management is characterized by a blend of authenticity and strategic creativity. By crafting content that authentically reflects your brand identity and resonates with your audience, I strive to build meaningful connections, fostering engagement and loyalty that goes beyond the superficial.
Social Media Organic Postings
Content Strategy
Social Media Management
CONTENT CREATION/ Increase Page Engagement and Likes
Facebook Page: Potato Kingdom
Page Objectives: Increase Page Engagement and followers through organic social post and paid post. Increase 5,000 to 10,000 likes and increase engagement and reach
Results: There was an incremental increase that reach Facebook Likes to 10,000 and garnered 141.9K Facebook Reach for the last 28 days
Facebook Page: Aktiv Food
Page Objectives: Increase Page Engagement and followers through organic social post and paid post. Increase 1,000 to 3,000 likes and increase engagement and reach
Results: There was an incremental increase that reach Facebook Likes to 10,000 and garnered 106.6K Facebook Reach for the last 28 days
Texicon Agriventure Product Organic Postings
Content Pillar: Product Promotion Objective: 1,000 reach and 500 engagement Results: 3,275 reached and 3,559 engagement
ARTAN Architects Project Spotlight Postings
Content Pillar: Project Spotlight Objective: 3,000 reach and 3,000 engagement Results: 5,200 reached and 6,000 engagement
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