Digital Marketer


SEO Content Manager

Google Drive

Microsoft Office 365


DISCOVER: The Memory you will Never forget
What exactly is the essence of an event or occasion when you can't capture beautiful moments?. Isn't that what everyone wants? But what happens when you start to forget the FINEST moments because it happened a long time ago. Maybe you've lost someone along timeline, does not mean they should be lost in memory as well.
How do you remind yourself, friends and family about that Particular day you promised to NEVER forget?
Sometimes, it takes to RELIVE the moment to know what to be Thankful for.
It does not have to difficult with our Photography and Video filming Services. You see, we have been equipped with both material and technical skills to make your event(Small or big) a Never-ending one. With our round the Clock digital gadgets, be sure that your 'Caught- unaware - moments' are well captured, and at what price?
Our prices are so affordable, you would think they're not real. We also work with your budget to bring out the best of your day.
Imagine having half the price of what is usually charged this month of June. That's right! 50% off! Only for the first 20 to book with us . The truth is just 5 slots are now available.
By taking this initiative, this is what you'll be getting from us
✅FREE Colour combination coding that will enable you make the right photography choice
✅Soft and Hard copies of All your memories
✅FREE backup on Google drive in case of Emergency or Loss of files
NB: Nothing gets lost on Google Drive
These and many more is what you won't have when the 20 slots are filled, so click on the link below to chat with us now
This offer is Only open to 20 persons in which 15 have already taken advantage of. Are you the next advantage taker? Oh! Did we just make your day?
Click on the link Now!
Are you on a budget but would like your events to be covered qualitatively?
No more anxiety🙅
15ers exists just for you. Yes! Make your day memorable at almost no cost.
Don't wait till you've heard the story from your neighbour
Chat with us now
Aren't you tired of getting the same result? If yes, there's something in the last paragraph for you . You know well that being busy is not the same as being productive. While, being busy will give an impression that there is something you're doing, being productive only happens when you use the right strategies. Agreed No? the same goes to your business, that brand, that online representation of your products and services.
So you're on social media and you post daily with the hope that someone somewhere would see your post and message you. You do this on whatsApp, Instagram, Facebook even on LinkedIn. Now, that's been busy! Isn't it? The only question to ask is since when you've been doing this, how many people have messaged you to ask for your service, or called to buy that product? 2, 4, 10? How many?
If you are being honest here you'll agree that something is wrong. Oh! more like something is MISSING. What could it be? Think?...............
Have you ever considered that your posting, captions, graphics and videos you put out there may be right yet wrong? How so? Consider this two statements, "What is going on?" and "What is going on!'
The difference is the punctuation right? which has already given different meaning. So you see, you are right yet wrong. It's all about the HOW YOU DELIVER.
To make an online appearance you must know how to
📍Know your audience and communicate with them
📍Give your audience exactly what they need
📍Separate educative, informative and entertaining contents from each other while knowing which to give your audience at a stipulated time
📍Create Great graphics and video contents that matches the psychology of your audience
📍Run promotions from time to time to traffic new prospects to your brand
Inability to do the above will only result in your audience running into the open arms of another and you wouldn't want that. Even the ones that are yours, the ones you think you have kept will end up leaving you not because you Charge too much but because there is NOTHING more you're doing to them.
But today, you have every right to feel lucky, you get to have your audience in your pocket. No more Hazzles or stress, no more thinking about what to say, type, post and what not
We will handle all that for you while you close your eyes relaxing. As a matter of fact, Partnering with us will mean that your Business gets
📍Free consultation
📍Social media management
📍Graphics design
📍Web development
📍Content writing and copy writing
The truth is if you are not able to get at least 3 of these for your business, you'll keep struggling with both the physical and digital space. Every minute you spend to think about whether to turn your brand around makes it more difficult to stand out in your niche. Others are the ones doing what matters for their businesses
You should get started, Yes! You
Simply, click on this link to talk to us
People who trust us are now making ×10 of their profit and saying Thank you. If this would be you in 3-6months time, start today by clicking on the link Now!
Joseph is an entrepreneur who engages in day to day conversations with his clients but he looses them the same way he meets them; he doesn't get to keep them
This made Joseph unproductive in his business until he came across a means by which he can have access to all his clients and prospective clients
Not only that he now sells to them all his products and services without the stress of rigorous follow-up or 'I will get back to you' syndrome
Find out what happened to Joseph here
Being presentable does not have to be expensive. You only need to know the right colours, fonts, background and images to use
And it's totally fine if you don't know how to go about them because, how then are we going to save you from such unnecessary stress☹️😥
Make your contents stand and stop using the wrong designs, it only scares your clients away. Be professional about your designs, it won't cost you an arm or leg.
But how would you know it doesn't , there is only one way to find out. Don't be the person that enjoys other peoples change story. Make the change yourself, do it now!
This is the way ☝️☝️☝️
In February, 2021 I wrote a content where I shared 5 highlights about online brands for Nigerians
One of the highlights I talked about was 'digital Marketing'. One of the people who read the content shared his testimony with me a month ago ( May 2022)
He was able to start digital marketing for his brand with a capital of ₦30,000 and turned that into a profit of ₦500000 within months
The main information provided are
1. Uche took time to Create a brand logo/identity for his product: This is the 1st step to take after been clear on what business to venture into. You must not be dark about how you want to be identified or represented in the outside world.
Most people loose their identities even before their businesses start. It is important to ensure that the brand logo or identity hasn't been used by another and very wise to keep it simple and easy to identify. Take Apple company for example, their identity is straight to the point
2. He optimised his Instagram and Facebook pages: Uche has been on social media platforms since God knows how long and although, he do posts some of his products, it was difficult to see what's going on in the pages.
It was a busy place with no conversion. He had his Bio optimised, page sanitised and made highlight covers. Before, he knew what was going on, his followers started to increase on Instagram as well as his page likes on Facebook.
3. He made use of Graphics designs: Uche understood from what he read that 'to attract one's audience, one has to give clear picture of products in an attractive manner.
He made use of this formula which made his audience always like his product posts or whatever contents he's made with graphics.
Graphics design is not a child's play, you have to know how to go about it to really get value for it. Uche sought help
4. He made use of video contents: 80% of video contents converts to sales ( You can carry out your research to confirm). Uche took the advantage of this knowledge to advertise his products, just as you guessed right, he got his desired results.
5. He ran Online Promotions. The amazing aspects of running sponsored ads is that it gives avenue to ×10 one's starting fee
Uche used a total of ₦10000 to run sponsored ads and he made ₦70000 from that promotion within 2weeks. That gives a total of ₦60000. Uche as a sharp individual continued to return the money into the ads, making him tremendous profit.
Uche's testimony is another proof that Digital marketing is the smart and profitable way to go about your business. Whether you sell physical or digital products, or yours is a service, you will never run out of profit ( crazy kind)
So how come you've been trying but it's not working for you?
There are 2 reasons
1. You haven't had a consultation about your brand
2. You think you can handle digital marketing all on your own. If you read Uche's report well, you'll realise that he didn't do it ALL by himself, he had professional help.
He wasn't so selfish with himself but was able to see that be needed the professional touch he got.
If you would like to try 'Digital Marketing' for your brand, permit me to link you with the professionals that helped Uche
They consulted Uche's business for free and can do yours too
Click this link to schedule an appointment with them ******************
This is EXCLUSIVE for Entrepreneurs and Small business owners
Every month you try to balance your sales book, budget with expenditure, profit with loses but end up saying 'Oh God!'🙆! This can change for you, if you follow this simple plan
Plan 1: Have a detailed objective on how much you want to make per month
Plan 2: Set aside an amount to improve your business. It may be for visibility, Ads, video creation or Graphics design. You can't make more money without putting small money into use
Plan 3: Meet up with the right people to help you carry out Plan 2
Plan 4: Be disciplined. Do not use the money from your business profits before balancing sales for the month
Do the above for 3 months and you will see how easy it is to make profit. This plan has worked for 80% of my students every time they take it seriously. About 70% of them take "PLAN 2" very seriously because they know they can TRust it.
The ball is in your court to follow this plan to the core or not. Use the link below to start your planning now!
Only 10 people can be accommodated at this time . Don't be TOO Late in turning your business around again. Take the wise decision.
Click on the link now
Only 10% of business owners know the secret you're about to learn today and for those 10%, they are really doing well. If that is you, don't bother reading this
But if all these is coming to you as new, I suggest you pause what you're doing and pay FULL attention to what you're about to learn
Firstly, you should answer these questions
1. When did you start your business?
2. How much did you start with?
3. How much have you made from your initial capital?
If you can not answer all the questions smiling, then there is a big problem. It means you don't have the People- resource to MAXIMISE your profit for that business
What have you been doing all this while?
I know you are trying, but 'trying to do' is not the same as 'really doing'. You cannot get clients, I mean real humans to patronise you
Don't let it shock you when you discover that the smart 10% of business owners receive inflow of clients everyday. Some even refer to other business owners because of the overwhelming demands from them
That's not you right?
What's the secret?
They created a safe haven for potential and real clients.
Before we talk about the 'How?' Those clients did not just drop from the sky; the smart 10% make use of an ATTRACTIVE MAGNET to make these clients see them online before gathering them to the safe haven where they are made comfortable and needs met
Some of the clients share testimonies such as ( insert 3 most relevant social proof)
1. They desired a SPECIFIC type of Audience. They didn't want just any person as their clients but had a category of persons in mind.
You can't Want everybody
2. They created a social media strategy to attract and keep them in their online space using professional help.
What they did is as simple as that, such that some of them had to share these testimonies about their experiences ( insert 3 best testimonies)
I know you might be thinking that they must have spent a fortune for this to happen but how about you thinking this way ' If they could do it, so can I'
How about the dedication they put into their businesses, think about that 🤔
What would be a fair amount for you to turn your business around?
Would it be surprising if I told you that the service range cannot cover your monthly subscription?
To get started, click on the link below 👇👇👇
What does your approval process look like for a decision like this?
Oh! And consultation is free only for the next 24hours
Be that person that increases the percentage of the smart business owners
Click on the link now!
WhatsApp and telegram have been an integral part of social media and an almost perfect means of communication, which started with messaging. Although started a while ago, these social media emerged in 2009 having over 2 billion active users, and in 2013, having over 700 million active users respectively to exchange pleasantries and images. There are some interesting comparisons between the two apps, though Telegram seems to have overall better features than WhatsApp. Some of them are
Disappearing Message
While Telegram now has the status feature that WhatsApp has been known for, WhatsApp seems to be leading in disappearing messages in 24 hours, 7 days, or 90 days.
Chat Password
It is possible to create passwords for chats on Telegram to keep conversations safe, on the other hand, WhatsApp does not have any feature similar to that.
Account Inactivity
Accounts are deleted after 6 months of inactivity on Telegram, but only after 120ndays on WhatsApp
It may seem like these platforms are perfect for running businesses because of the easy navigation through features, but the following are good reasons why you should reconsider them as business platforms or tools.
Hackers are everywhere and that’s right, they do make use of other social media networks but Telegram and WhatsApp are the most susceptible. In 2022 alone, 500 million accounts were allegedly hacked on WhatsApp from 84 countries according to Cybernews, while Telegram is already a rising concern for phishing scams, malware deployment, investment scams, charity scams, and fake job posts.
This happens by clicking on links or scanning QR codes. WhatsApp and Telegram developers may claim to have 'end-to-end-encryptions' but on Telegram, one will have to manually set up the encryption, which makes Telegram hackable to those who are ignorant of this method. As for WhatsApp, inputting a code in the verification column gives access to all phone details, and many people have ended up becoming debtors due to financial information available to hackers.
Business owners suffer the most loss from these scams and hacks because they not only lose their source of livelihood but also information to begin again. It might be possible to get the accounts back but the losses can never be retrieved.
WhatsApp and Telegram can indeed be used to send many product pictures and a sizeable number of videos in recent times, but this is only true for small business owners and startups. Telegram may have no messaging restrictions but does not allow sending direct messages to more than 50 strangers. This means business owners cannot reach more than 50 cold audiences, and consistency in restrictions eventually leads to the permanent blocking of the account.
WhatsApp status which can reach more large audiences at a time cannot be controlled by the business owner but by the viewers/audience. If contacts on the phone decide not to view or remove business owners’ statuses from their account settings, they won’t be aware of this and might keep on posting and not making sales or getting leads.
Too many WhatsApp statuses also discourage contacts from viewing. WhatsApp and Telegram do not give room for Audience sorting in terms of geographical data, purchasing behavior, age, sex, occupation, and other targeted details to drive sales. Any attempt to categorize the target audience makes the whole funnel process hectic and may lead to the crash of the app.
WhatsApp and Telegram were created as a means of messaging one's loved ones and acquittances. Any formal communication was done through email or other Applications like Skype and Slack. As the applications developed, features like group chats came into light, mostly used to communicate information to students or semiformal staff.
Apart from the fairly official information passed across, group members socialize with one another in matters not relating to the original purpose of the group like sending broadcast messages, GIFs, stickers, and other unofficial animations. Often time, when given the privilege by the group admin, they turn the group into marketplaces or fighting rings causing disjointed communications.
Important messages passed across will have to be scrolled through to reach, hence a waste of time which eventually leads to frustration. Well, it is the same for business owners on WhatsApp and Telegram. Except, the group state is changed to 'only admin can send message' any attempt to maintain a business group often leads to disjointed and unauthorized communications even among team members.
The use of emojis and stickers sends an 'unserious' communication mode making it tougher to decode what kind of message is passed along. There have been cases where unauthorized voice notes and video calls were made at odd hours to individuals and business owners. This poses a high level of unprofessionalism and is bad for business
There is a feature that allows for backup at a certain time of the day or whenever but only if the chat backup is set. There is nothing like cloud storage for these apps, especially in case of loss of phone or sim card, hack or the user forgets to turn on the internet provider. Part of the data is lost and a business owner is left to scramble with the remaining salvageable data.
Accounts are deleted after a set time of inactivity for both apps which means a business owner who uses WhatsApp and Telegram will always have to restart data collection if data is lost due to the above reasons hence, is bad for business
WhatsApp and Telegram are platforms to socialize more than run a business because that was their original purpose. There are features available that are business friendly but they still need to be worked on as improper management of the business of such apps leads to more loss than profit making. Remember that sales are the blood of any business venture. Not forgetting the hardship of getting ideal audiences, targeting them, and identifying their needs according to their behaviors is usually impossible on these Apps. There is increased susceptibility to data loss, scams, hacks, and unauthorized communications. Looking to start or expand your business, you might consider ruling out WhatsApp and Telegram for now.
Do you find this post helpful? share this post and visit for your business and communication needs.
There are seven official diagnoses of color blindness:
🎯Four different types of color blindness fall in the red-green category,
🎯Two are in the blue-yellow spectrum
🎯One version describes a type of vision completely lacking in color.
To understand the multiple types of color blindness that exist, it can be helpful to briefly review the basic mechanisms of human vision.
Our eyeballs have two kinds of photoreceptors in the retina that are designed to absorb light. Named after their shapes, they are called rods and cones.
Rods are highly sensitive. They are the reason your eyes will adjust in a dark room, allowing you to see basic shapes. The human eye has eighteen times more rods than cones.
But the cones are what give us fine detail and color. They work best in bright daylight. All types of color blindness have to do with diminished (or absent) functionality in the cones.
The human eye contains three different types of cones. S-cones (short-wavelength absorbing cones) help us see blue, M-cones (medium-wavelength absorbing cones) reveal green and L-cones (long-wavelength cones) interpret red light. The absence of any of the three types of cones is what accounts for different types of color blindness.
With just those three light sensitivities, we can see literally thousands of colors. Individuals who have all three types of cones working at full capacity are called trichromats (tri meaning three and chroma being the Greek word for color). Likewise, normal vision can be referred to as trichromacy.
The different types of color blindness are generally divided by whether the vision defect is inherited or acquired. Inherited types of color blindness are grouped by red-green and blue-yellow, along with the more rare monochromacy (total color blindness).
Similar distinctions exist among the acquired forms of color blindness. Though the causes may be different, the resulting symptoms (color blindness of some degree of severity) are ultimately caused by deficiencies in the cone photoreceptors.
Most people who have trouble seeing various spectrums of light have what is called inherited color blindness. The genes that code for correct cone function, which are passed down from their parents, have an error. This is why color blindness tends to run in families.
Anomalous trichromacy
Color blindness results from loss or damage to one or more of the cone types in the retina.
The most common types of color blindness in humans fall under the heading of anomalous trichromacy. That is to say that one of the three cone types (red, green or blue) in the individual’s eyes isn’t functioning as expected.
The types of red-green color blindness fall into four different categories.
Protanopia (aka red-blind) – Individuals have no red cones.
Protanomaly (aka red-weak) – Individuals have red cones and can usually see some shades of red.
Deuteranopia (aka green-blind) – Individuals have no green cones.
Deuteranomaly (aka green-weak) – Individuals have green cones and can usually see some shades of green.
Ultimately, the different types of red-green color blindness all result in the individual seeing a world the rest of us would describe as murky green with hints of blue and yellow. Browns, oranges and reds are easily confused, and pale shades in general are difficult to distinguish.
Blue-yellow color blindness is less common. The two types of color blindness in this category both make it difficult to tell the difference between blue and green, as well as yellow and red. There are two types of blue-yellow color blindness:
Tritanopia (aka blue-blind) – Individuals have no blue cones.
Tritanomaly (aka blue-weak) – Individuals have blue cones and can usually see some shades of blue.
All six of these types of color blindness stem from one of the three cone types not functioning to some degree. Though people with anomalous trichromacy may have trouble selecting ripe fruit or reading traffic lights, most colorblind people adapt to live normal lives. Monochromacy, on the other hand, can be quite challenging.
Monochromacy (achromatopsia)
Achromatopsia occurs in only one in every 33,000 people. People with monochromacy see no color at all. For these individuals, the world exists in black and white, much like an old-time television. The concomitant light sensitivity often transforms everyday tasks into difficult chores. Individuals interested in learning more should visit and consider joining the Achromatopsia support group on Facebook.
It’s interesting to note that some women actually have a fourth type of light-absorbing cone. As many as 12% of women may have “super color vision,” the fourth cone allowing them to see 100 times more colors than the rest of the population.
No accessory can fix color blindness. There is however, a video of a 72year old man with colour blindness who can now see colours via the help of a device known as ENCHROMA.
What the EnChroma glasses do is increase color contrast.
Studies have shown that Some individuals have found that wearing the Enchroma glasses can make a significant difference in their vision, just as this cool old man in the link below
UNLOCK: An amazing Secret That can make your product sales up to 250% more profitable
As you read every word of this Ad, you will become stunned at how insignificant this secret is and the more you will feel you've really not been paying attention to details
I know you've heard one or two things about Web development and it doesn't matter what you heard so far
What matters is the TRUTH that works
The more you keep reading this Ad, the more you feel the need to own a website
You don't put your clothes out to dry and not expect people to notice you.
This is similar to having a website. Everyone gets to notice you and see your brand
Here's what you will discover:
📍Having a website makes you 80% more visible . This means that if 50 persons notices your brand daily, there will be at least 90 persons doing same as soon as your website is up and running
📍It affords the internet : Google, IG, Facebook and other Social networks to recognise you. Assuming you sell baby shoes, merely typing for baby shoes online brings your webpage popping up
📍You are able to display as many products as you want all in one place. It gives your prospects the unique option of choosing from a list of options
📍 Your clients also gets to have first hand information about your products or services
This way you can make about 250% your regular profit
Here's what our clients say about us
( insert 2 to 3 testimonials/endorsement letter)
Web development is normally priced at (enter amount), but if you order before ( date), you can get it for only ( enter lesser amount)
An incredible bargain! Click here to order Now!
If you act now, you' ll get 3 freebies valued at (amount)
1. Free Graphics design for your website- It lengthens the attention span of your clients
2. Free Bio Content/Copy. We will write word for you that will make your clients glued to your website
3. Free web maintenance for the next () months
Imagine having the chance of a full refund if you are not satisfied with our service
(Your name)
P.s: As this Ad concludes, visualise getting a (an amount) rebate just for trying out our service
Click here to order Now
Why Majority of Entrepreneurs are broke until they do ONE thing
As you start reading the beginning of this Ad you find yourself wondering why you're broke. Little by little you begin to wonder what exactly entrepreneurs do that keeps them going
It's not far fetched at all, it is the ability to reach out for HELP
Most entrepreneurs do not know how to seek help because of shame, fear of the unkown, pride and selfishness
By now, you would be thinking which one goes for you
No one is self made, not even those on the Forbes list. God himself needed man to have his will done
So why not you
Let us help you achieve the Nigerian dream of Financial freedom via our services
You have a product or service to sell. Yes! We are aware. Let's be the help you need.
Here's a small sample of what you'll receive:
📍Email marketing: Your actual and potential clients will be at your finger tips all the time
📍Content marketing: You won't have to run out of ideas to keep your conversations going
📍Social media advertising: Reach thousands of people within a month who are ready to pay for what you offer
📍Web development: Have a website, up and running, this makes your brand visible to the world
📍Branding: Give your business an identity that stays for life
📍Graphics designs: Captivate the attention of your prospects with memory lasting images
Here's what others are saying about our business
(Testimonial/endorsement letter)
Your entire investment is only (amount) Get more for less!
Click here to order now!
Order before( day, date,time) and you'll get 3 bonuses
1. Free consultation for your business. This make you see exactly what's wrong with your brand
2. Free 10 hashtags. Makes your brand visible to your use audience
3. 10 steps to close your clients for maximum sales. This gives you an edge to get 90% of your clients pay you all the time
As you think about using the link, you suddenly realise you have nothing to loose with our money back guarantee
( Name)
P.s: As you strongly consider ordering, you picture just how much money you would save if you use the service TODAY
Click the link to chat NOW
Let's get started, Pleasant. It looks like you're almost done setting up for Florix account. We'll guide you each step of the way
Activate your account here..
Have you read any of our blog post? click here to get information about health related topics weekly.
Some glitches? Contact our customer service @
_You got this email because you subscribed to our newsletter_
Hi Pleasant,
Welcome to Florix Health Care! I'm so excited to have you join us. We're feeling pretty lucky that you chose us, and I just wanna say thank you on behalf of our whole company.
To get you settled, I wanted to share with you some of our best resources so you can make the most out of your experience with us. Subscribe to our blog [add link] for some great knowledge about health. You could really use those information in your industry. Check out our Instagram [add link], Facebook [add link], and Twitter [add link] for your daily dose of Product updates, discounts, promos and quizzes
If you're interested in learning more about your product, feel free to contact me or anyone else on our support team at any time. We're always here to help you in any way we can.
Lead Customer Care
Hi Pleasant,
Thanks for reaching out.
Unfortunately, we can't offer a refund at this time. According to our no refund policy because of the long paper work and resource wasting to get returned products back to the manufacturer.
I've checked with my manager to confirm this policy, and while we can't offer a full refund, we can provide you with a discount of 10% amount for the next time you shop on our website
We sincerely appreciate your understanding in this matter. Please feel welcome to reach out to me with any questions you may have and I would be more than happy to help.
Thanks again,
Customer Care
Hi Pleasant,
I noticed that you seemed interested in our OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I'd be happy to guide you through the different options.
If you're interested, I want to extend an offer as a first-timer, as it can be tough to commit to a product/service from a mere description. Our free delivery lasts 5 days and lets you navigate all premium products. It's a great chance to see which product is right for you and how much it can benefit you and your clients.
If you're interested, email me back or give me a call. I can talk you through all the details and get you set up.
Stay safe,
Customer service
Hi Pleasant,
How're you doing today? I thought you shouldn't be left behind on the interesting occurrence at the mall today.
So, while we were shopping at gifts card corner, a man was noticed to have been standing still for the past 30 minutes. The security men after whispering to themselves decided to confront him but guess what? The man was unresponsive. Yes! good guess, he was dead. Though he's body was still warm but he was long gone while standing.
An elderly woman passed by and concluded it most be the handwork of the witches and wizards in his village.
Pleasant, care to know what I think? I think the man's body had been giving him symptoms buy he refused to listen. He refused to take care of his health. He refused periodical check up.
The great news is you're reading this because you're still alive. That's a gift that shouldn't be thrown away. What steps have you taking to get your health in check especially now that there are variants of the Covid-,19 out there.
Pleasant, you should joke around but not with your health.
My team can provide you with all you need to get started with your check up. You wouldn't need to wait long hours as you have previously experienced at the hospitals.
Click here to get started now!
Pleasant, I care about you. Do you?
With love from Eniola
Like this project

Posted Jul 28, 2024

Crafted Sales and Email copies for different Clienteles enabling them to meet their expected goals of getting cold, warm and hot audiences.






Digital Marketer


SEO Content Manager

Google Drive

Microsoft Office 365
