Promotional video 📹│AfroElite Writer

Sarah (zldq.s) │🎥✨

Graphic Designer
Motion Designer
Video Editor
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

"A course for Africans by Africans"

This is the tagline of AfroElite Writer is a website and course dedicated to learn web content writing and how to market oneself for aspiring African content writers ✍🏾.

The landing page of the website

The woman at the helm of this initiative, Odyssée, got in contact with me via a mutual friend in 2021. She told me that she wanted a small promotional video to post on her socials to potentially convert new students.

After she provided me with a script, I immediately got to work! Luckily, I already had an idea:

Make it look like someone is browsing through a website/tabs.

I started with a desktop background with the logo and a few icons in the taskbar to emulate a PC working on Windows:

A desktop background with the then logo

From there, I animated the mouse movement while switching from tabs to tabs:

Going from the desktop to the first Chrome Tab

Switching from Tab 2 to Tab 3

Each tabs had a different version of the background and new information with animations:

Tab 1

Tab 2

Tab 3

Tab 4

I also provided a voice over to create the pace of the video and accompany the information visible on screen! 🎤

Want something similar? Contact me! 📧

To view the promo video, you can click here!

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