Dev Foundry Website | UI/UX Design

Tolulope Akanni

UX Designer
UI Designer

A bootcamp, but not for newbies

The Developers Foundry is an intensive one-year Fellowship funded by the UK International Development Office and designed to support tech talents with the knowledge and skills to upskill and build advanced level competence. I designed an engaging one-page website that served as a call for participation in the fellowship. It was targeted at entry-level to mid-level tech professionals, including software developers and data analysts. The platform catered to participants across Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leone, offering a simple application process and detailed information about the bootcamp and the benefits of joining.

Key Features

Accessibility: While designing, I ensured my design was in line with WCAG guidelines. Typefaces had a great contrast ratio, and the use of colours was balanced to aid accessibility.
Responsivity: I designed the interface layout of the website to be adaptive across different screen sizes to aid great experience for most users regardless the device being used.
Target Users Section: I introduced a section that provided more clarity on the target prospective users/talents.
Benefits Section: This section was designed to clearly state the values that the accepted talents will be benefitting from the programme.
FAQs Section: This section aims to provide answers to common questions prospective users/talents might need to ask. FAQs provides a pool of responses to these questions at the fingertip of these users.

The Website Interface

Live Website

Kindly checkout the dev foundry website below. Please note that applications are not all year round but only opens for a specific period.
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