Fundraiser Speech

Anthony Ellison


Content Writer

Script Writer

Speech Writer

Google Docs

Microsoft Word


An ESL speaker needed a Fundraiser speech about her experience. This speech raised $225,000 (a record) for refugees needing legal assistance in Texas. It was her first public speaker performance...and it was in front of 300 wealthy Texas Methodists eating a $2,000 dinner.
I spent 4 days crafting this within her voice and story, and then coaching her through the performance towards one goal: "Guilt Them Into Giving"
I have 15 years experience teaching corporate improvisational workshops as well as one on one sessions. I also have an MFA in Playwriting, so I know how to tell a story and direct folks to perform it.
This is a little snippet of the beginning.
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Wrote this fundraiser speech with an ESL speaker & coached her first public performance in front of 300 ppl & raised $225k for Refugees needing legal service.






Content Writer

Script Writer

Speech Writer

Google Docs

Microsoft Word


Anthony Ellison

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