Introducing the next generation of cinematic Space News.
Changing the way spaces news are broadcast.
The problem
With the rise of space exploration rockets and technologies, Space is back to being the center of cutting edge technology. It provides hope for humanity and it gives a sense of adventure. Making us ultimately feel, that there is more to life than just fixing problems after problems.
After some Design research, I came to the conclusion, that there is no exciting or adventurous web platform that can excite or even amuse their users when looking for spaces news (Besides SpaceX).
The intended solution is to build something that can make users feel they are watching news from outside earth, as if they were in orbit. The goal is to take the users into a journey where that can feel the depth of spaces from the comfort of their own homes.
Lean UX Design Methodology.
Is a process I enjoy working on. Personally I find it faster and it can be accurately at times.
Think = Explore problems and find solutions.
Make = Start designing sketches, wireframes, prototypes (MVP)
Check = Find out how users respond to your design
Low fidelity wireframes
Branding + Name + Logo Process
Next round of Wireframes
First High fidelity mockup
Spirastra Website
The information architecture of the site is composed of
Main hero
Youtube learning
Upcoming launches
News / Space / earth
Picture of the day
Highlight of the week
This project it is still ongoing. We hope you enjoy it