This definition kind of builds on itself. The foundation: we need to believe in the efficacy of ourselves and others. We need to communicate and establish agreement upon our current circumstances and address our journey and its obstacles through our individual actions. At this point we can continue to build and cultivate a sense of.... unity but I feel like there’s a better word for it, do y’all know another term I could use for unity? This is where we commit to the cause by beginning to network and make larger scale, collective efforts as groups in our homes, our extended families, our friends, our (black) community. If we don’t have faith in each other, we just have our foundation and it’s not even solid because how can you have a revolution by yourself? That’s the only person you’re counting on if you don’t have faith in other people and if you don’t even have faith in yourself then we really can’t go anywhere. So Imani is important because we need to be able to depend on one another for support and accountability as we try to advance our entire community.