● Developed and fostered business relationship strategy within the International Broker, SME Broker, Lloyds of London, Carrier, and Coporate markets. In addition managed and mitigated commerical risks stemming from Gallagher Bassett’s external partnerships.
● Developed and implemented Gallagher Bassett’s value proposition and marketing colleteral within the General Insurance market. This included writing articles and presenting at seminars (icare seminar 2019).
● Drove the deal management strategies across various channels (Brokerage, Government, Carrier and Corporate). This led to further growth with our state government clients (General Insurance growth via iCare) and carrier clients (growth via engagement for consultancy services for Catholic Church Insurance).
● Fostered strategic business relationships with Gallagher broking (by seeking to engage a program to improve their client’s under excess claims), Willis (to ensure growth within their A&H portfolio by offering rehab and RTW services to reduce the average life of claims) and Marsh (to enable growth for Marsh’s rehab division).
● Developed the Casualty sales, growth and retention strategy. This led to the further retention of several Casualty portfolios within the Lloyds of London market and conversion of New India Insurance.