Traitors and doubts: quote of the week

Nafisah Isiaq


Content Editor

Blog Writer


G Suite


Welcome to a brand new week Clovers! It’s been a while since I did the usual Monday motivational post and I truly apologize for that.
Here’s the thing, I was putting off writing this post for some time due to a couple of reasons.
First off, I was starting to think there was no point in it all. I was exhausted and thought it was a waste of time if no one would gain from it. I wanted to make a positive impact. I wanted to speak to someone out there who was on the verge of giving up. I wanted to reach out to everyone sad or lonely to find a reason to keep going. I wanted those who were in happy places to enjoy and share their happy moments with others.
Secondly, I was doubting that my ideas or thoughts made sense to others. Were my ideas much more like fantasy and difficult to attain? The more I thought about it, the louder the voices of doubts in my head became. I even became reluctant to do other things too. Every new idea or plan I had in mind was seeming like a waste of time. I felt there was no point of it.
Here’s one thing I realised. These were merely doubts in my mind. That doesn’t mean it’s true. It was just feeding on all the fears I have had.
I mean, sure you may not get much feedback or any response at all from some things you do but that doesn’t mean it’s pointless. I got a message from a couple of people sometime last month about reading my post and it encouraged them to move on. It was an unexpected one for me. I got more messages later on from some of my really old post and how calm and at peace they felt after reading.
It’s all still much of a shocker to me but I keep saying “do what you want to do now”. I’m still much a young adult trying to figure out this journey and I like to say I’m on a quest to find myself. But the point of all this is to keep trying. Life has no manual and a little trial and error method might seem risky but at least you learn from it.
Sometimes, the voices in your head remind you of things to do and sometimes, they say things that are not true. Strive to conquer your mind, let it give only positive ideals

Our doubts are traitors, And make us lose the good we oft might win, By fearing to attempt.
What’s the point of it all, you might wonder? You’d see the point later on. Just try to write the things you want down. Perhaps keep a journal or a small notebook. But don’t give up now or disregard it. Don’t be too scared to try it out. Don’t wait till your doubts are cleared or you have conquered your fears. Sometimes you have to do things while you’re scared.
I hope you take a chance today dear Clovers! Don’t be scared to attempt new things.
Till next time! Keep striving for the best and see you at the top.

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Posted Apr 21, 2024

Don't give in to the doubts in your head. They are often traitors






Content Editor

Blog Writer


G Suite


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