Unlocking your potential; quote of the week

Nafisah Isiaq

Blog Writer
G Suite
Welcome to a brand new week Clovers!
Let’s talk about personal excellence. It has no threshold of measurement. It is basically you striving to do nothing other than the best every day, leaving no room for regrets, enjoying life’s moment as it comes!
Get that right!
Personal excellence is all about unlocking your potential. Give it your best day in, day out. It all starts in your head (at least, that’s what they all say). Don’t forget it’s the little efforts each day that eventually add up to give big results.
So you know what to do Clovers. Have a desire that you will succeed in all you do and work for it. Keep choosing to be on the winning side, if you don’t want to settle for less, work on yourself. Be keen to choose personal excellence. You will eventually unlock your full potential.
Don’t lose hope!
Don’t give up!
Keep moving forward!
I hope you keep these words in mind. Till next time Clovers.

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Published by The grey clover

Welcome to The grey clover. My name is Mayowa. I'm a physiotherapy student. I am also a lover of Literature, Arts, Science and technology. I have several interests which includes writing poetry, photography, fashion designing and there are still much more things I hope to learn. Thanks for stopping by! View more posts
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