Bridges are for Burning: Book Review

Nafisah Isiaq


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Hi Clovers! I just wanted to let you all know that I read more books last month than I have done the entire year so I’m super excited.
Today I’ll be reviewing the book Bridges are for burning by Bina Idonije
I got a free book mark from the bookstore too
What’s it about ?
The book talks about 3 friends who have known each other since childhood, grown-up now and each in different career paths. One thing they all have in common is a big secret they can’t share. Not even with themselves.
The three friends; Gigi, Alana, and Fifi try to act as though everything is all good. Alana and Fifi are both married and try hard to preserve the “happily married image”. Gigi on the other hand is still single and won’t give herself a chance to fall in love because of her past mistakes. Soon her past seems to be catching up with her and threatens to ruin the friendship she had built all these years.
My thoughts
This has to be the best book I’ve read so far this year. It is a fast-paced read and I was quite surprised to find myself turning the pages to see what’s next.
I must say it is really not my usual kind of book as I prefer crime thrillers or mystery but I thoroughly enjoyed every part of the book; the plot, the setting, the characters. It was a comfort read outside my preferred genre.
I bought the book majorly because of it’s pretty cover (I’m a sucker for pretty bookcovers). Whoever still says “don’t judge a book by its cover “. And of course I also found the title quite intriguing.
Once you get past the first ten pages, it becomes quite difficult to put the book down.
My attempt to recreate the book cover😂 How’d I do?
The good part is that the writing style makes you feel like you’ve known the characters for a while. I found myself anticipating Gigi’s POV although she had a couple of “eye-rolling” moments.
The major theme explored would be friendship and its boundaries. I felt some characters were unnecessary and the story would go on great without them.
It was quite intriguing and relatable as the story is set in the city I come from and surprisingly this is the first book I’ll read with a character having my name (although it was not one of the main characters).
So now I have a thing for book photoshoots and the title kind of made me think of this.
I would definitely recommend you add this to your summer to-be-read list. I would rate the book 4.5 stars.
I should add that this is the author’s debut novel and after reading this, I would be looking forward to more of her books in the future.
Comment a book with character having your name.
Till next time Clovers.

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Posted Apr 21, 2024

This quick review will help you easily decide if this book will be an enjoyable read for you or not. Don't worry, there are no spoilers.






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