Django PostgreSQL HTMX TailwindCSS Web App

Roger Oney


Frontend Engineer

Web Developer

Database Specialist



Tailwind CSS

MultiNiche.Pro - Django Web App Design & Development

Still actively in development, but wanted to share this, since there is so much learning happening.
Doing full-stack development on a Django Web App that utilizes the following elements:
TailwindCSS and Flowbite UI for front end design elements
HTMX and JQuery for front-end "reactivity" and User interactions
Django framework on the back-end with a PostgreSQL database for data storage
DigitalOcean Spaces for storage of static files
Full CI/CD from GitHub to DigitalOcean App Platform


Technical design -- everything so far has been about deciding on the right stack, developing the framework, and getting the app laid out, structured, and configured for ongoing development.
This has led to being able to deploy the home page and a few additional static pages. This is mainly for sharing information about the app and collecting emails for sharing launch news.
Data model is largely complete
In Development
MVP Feature UI/UX now , allowing users to
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Posted Jun 18, 2024

Technical design & full-stack application development for this Django / PostgreSQL / HTMX / TailwindCSS web app allowing user to create customizable profiles.






Frontend Engineer

Web Developer

Database Specialist



Tailwind CSS

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