
Mutya Pratiwi

Video Editor

Video Producer

Content Creator

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📹 About The Project

In the period of 2019 to 2020, I was part of Communication and Information Department in an organisation of which all the members were Public Health students across universities in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia. Our department had several projects to engage more Public Health student, enthusiast, or basically general audience who seeks for the topic through all of our social medias: Instagram, Blogspot, and YouTube Channel.

📹 My Responsibility

I was assigned to focus on managing our YouTube Channel. My main task was to make after-movies of all events held by the organisation. In some events, I also took the raw videos by myself as I was assigned as Documentation Staff in that particular event. On top of that, the last big project for our YouTube Channel was to create a documentary video/recap of what has been done in one period, 2019-2020.

📹 Challenge

Not only did I create it from scratch, but we also faced an accident where all documentation videos of all events from the beginning of period were vanished due to virus attack on our drive. Fortunately, we still have photos on the cloud! From there, I worked on my Windows Movie Maker and the result is on the link (attached on the photo) above ✨
I also initiated to produce informative videos related to Public Health for our YouTube Channel. However, since there's only me who's responsible for this area, I could only make one brief historical video. Click on the photo below to watch!
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Later, in my second period (2020-2021) in the organisation and being in charge as the head of the department, I continue the project with more personnel to work on this together.
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Posted Dec 1, 2022

It's a documentary video I made at the end of period as a Staff of Communication and Information Dept. in one of the public health students organisation.






Video Editor

Video Producer

Content Creator

Mutya Pratiwi


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