Graphic Designing for PAMIFest

Mutya Pratiwi


Logo Designer

Visual Designer

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Spark

🌳 About The Project

PAMIFest is the annual biggest project of PAMI Jakarta Raya —a Public Health students organisation based in Greater Jakarta. This project consisted of two main events open for public: a seminar in a scope of Public Health topic and a design training called One Day Design Training (ODDT). Yet usually, we also made some competitions such as essay, poster, and video competition as pre-event.

🌳 My Responsibility

I contributed in the two editions of PAMIFest during two periods in the organisation. I was in charge in Publication Team to prepare some digital publication materials. At the first edition, I was responsible to design the PAMIFest logo (fully applicable at the 2nd period), seminar and ODDT posters, and E-ticket. At the 2nd edition, I was tasked to make the competition posters.
I designed the seminar poster above, with the theme of Air Pollution, totally from scratch. For the background, I took some vectors and illustrations from free copyright sources and compiled it using Adobe Photoshop. For the text, logos, and other ornaments, I utilised a web-based design tool, Adobe Spark.
ODDT poster was created completely on Adobe Spark. I made it to be clear and simple, and the background picture was taken from the tool library. The same applied to E-ticket designs below.
In creating the competition posters, I used Adobe Spark including for the background pictures, text, and other ornaments. Since there were a lot of information that must be provided, so I chose simple background and even arrangement.

🌳 Publication

Here some of the publication on social media ✨
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Posted Dec 3, 2022

PAMIFest is my organisation's annual biggest project consisted of Public Health seminar and design training. I was in charge to prepare publication materials.






Logo Designer

Visual Designer

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Spark

Mutya Pratiwi


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