The regional Business Evolution department was working on optimizing the Quality Assurance procedures alongside the Sr. Manager of Best Practices and Process Champion for Ibero-LATAM. They reached out to me to help them design the visual identity of this revamp they had called “Quality Evolution”. A new, more in-depth and cutting-edge approach to quality assurance services for clients in the company’s portfolio.
Audience: Quality Evolution team in Latin America, Portugal, and Spain (13 countries total), existing company clients (whenever pitched on the program).
Challenge: to create an adaptable visual identity that looked modern and technological, and that could be used to co-brand slides and other material to pitch the program to clients.
Result: a minimalist, modern looking visual identity that both distilled the most important elements of the program and represented the project in a simple and appealing way. I received excellent feedback from the requestors and the Q.E. team. As a result of this first project, I was commissioned by the Business Evolution department to work on other visual identities for programs in Information Technology, Human Resources, Cybersecurity, and Operations.
Scope of work: visual identity design, zoom backgrounds, power point template with co-branding capabilities, design of UI resources.
Software/Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Power Point.