Tata Group Online Retail Analysis Dashboard

Jelilat Oluwatosin Abdullateef

Data Visualizer
Data Analyst
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Power BI

Tata Group Online Retail Analysis


In this project, I completed a comprehensive job simulation for Tata Groups on Forage, a platform for developing practical skills through real-world simulations. The simulation involved analyzing data from an online retail store to provide insights for strategic planning to the CEO and CMO. The project consisted of multiple tasks, including data cleaning, visualization creation, and presentation development.

Key Responsibilities and Achievements:

- Conducted data cleaning to ensure accuracy and integrity of the dataset, including filtering out records with negative quantities and unit prices.

- Created visualizations using Power BI to analyze revenue trends, top-selling products, and customer demographics.

- Presented findings to the CEO and CMO through a recorded video presentation, highlighting key insights and actionable recommendations.

- Demonstrated strong oral communication skills and attention to detail throughout the project.

Skills Demonstrated:

- Data analysis and interpretation

- Data cleaning and preprocessing

- Data visualization using Power BI

- Presentation and communication skills


Successfully completed the job simulation, gaining practical experience in data analysis and visualization within a business context. The project provided valuable insights into the decision-making process for strategic planning and expanded my skill set in data-driven decision-making.

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