My Desktop | Framer Template

Cara Ellis

Web Designer
UI Designer
Framer Designer
Adobe Photoshop

Inspired by Home

This website was inspired, as you can probably tell, by my second home - my Macbook desktop. It functions as a visually interesting and engaging link hub, allowing visitors to navigate to all my main corners of the internet: my website, my Contra profile, my Instagram - etc.

Keep Visitors Exploring

The perfect website is one that encourages visitors to explore, click on links and share with their friends. This will do just that - it's unique and full of fun little quirks to keep people looking.
Real time date and time (displays the current time and date).
Animated dock - the apps wiggle as you hover!
Draggable elements - drag menus and screens around and watch them bounce back.

Responsive Layout

As with any good website, this template has a fully responsive layout meaning it'll work perfectly on any screen, including on mobile, desktop and tablet.

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