
Kai Ting Lin

Brand Designer
Logo Designer


I collaborated with to create a clear visual identity for their roofing and solar services. The project aimed to develop a versatile logo and branding guidelines that reflect their commitment to easy, affordable, and quality installations. The Initial Vision

Inspired by Palantir (, Metropolis (, and Ramp ( logos, desired a simple yet elegant logo that embodies reliability and quality in roofing and solar services.

The reference


The design process began with hand-drawn sketches, laying the foundation for our work. These sketches allowed for exploration and ideation based on client feedback, shaping the project's direction from the outset.

Hand-drawn sketches

Digital Sketches I selected promising hand-drawn sketches and developed them further in digital form.

Initial Draft

The initial draft underwent significant simplification to align with the client's minimalist vision.

Final Draft

The initial draft was overly simplified and was refined based on a sketch by the CEO on a post-it note, resulting in the approved final draft.

Outcome: Branding Guideline

The result is a branding guideline, offering a comprehensive resource for maintaining the brand's visual and tonal consistency.

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