Portfolio - Showcase of UI Concepts

Piotr Kosmala


UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


Hey! It's a showcase of various concepts I have designed in the years 2020-22.

Besides my full-time jobs at 3DAimtrainer, Semiflat Studio, and Zengaming I have gathered experience by doing freelance and conceptual work in the years 2018-2023, this is only a tiny part and presentation of the best results from the recent 3 years of over 100 projects I have completed in recent 5 years.
Earnings dashboard - Dark mode (Mar 2023)
Earnings dashboard - Dark mode (Mar 2023)
Earnings dashboard - Dark mode (Mar 2023)
Earnings dashboard - Dark mode (Mar 2023)
Earnings dashboard (Feb 2023)
Earnings dashboard (Feb 2023)
Earnings dashboard (Feb 2023)
Earnings dashboard (Feb 2023)
Blender UI Elements (May 2021)
Blender UI Elements (May 2021)
Sports replay software onboarding (Nov 2021)
Sports replay software onboarding (Nov 2021)
Sport replays - Landing page (Mar 2021)
Sport replays - Landing page (Mar 2021)
Asset Marketplace (Nov 2022)
Asset Marketplace (Nov 2022)
LevelHeroes - Social platform for gamers (Jul 2020)
LevelHeroes - Social platform for gamers (Jul 2020)
Football game character creator (Aug 2020)
Football game character creator (Aug 2020)
Sport replays - Landing page & Mobile app (Dec 2021)
Sport replays - Landing page & Mobile app (Dec 2021)
Games on sale notification - browser addon (Jan 2022)
Games on sale notification - browser addon (Jan 2022)
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Posted Aug 11, 2023

Showcase of various concepts I have designed in the years 2020-22






UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


Piotr Kosmala

✨Together we can bring your ideas to life✨

Football Manager Improved - UI/UX Design
Football Manager Improved - UI/UX Design