Hey! It's a showcase of various concepts I have designed in the years 2020-22.
Besides my full-time jobs at 3DAimtrainer, Semiflat Studio, and Zengaming I have gathered experience by doing freelance and conceptual work in the years 2018-2023, this is only a tiny part and presentation of the best results from the recent 3 years of over 100 projects I have completed in recent 5 years.
Earnings dashboard - Dark mode (Mar 2023)
Earnings dashboard - Dark mode (Mar 2023)
Earnings dashboard (Feb 2023)
Earnings dashboard (Feb 2023)
Blender UI Elements (May 2021)
Sports replay software onboarding (Nov 2021)
Sport replays - Landing page (Mar 2021)
Asset Marketplace (Nov 2022)
LevelHeroes - Social platform for gamers (Jul 2020)
Football game character creator (Aug 2020)
Sport replays - Landing page & Mobile app (Dec 2021)
Games on sale notification - browser addon (Jan 2022)
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Posted Aug 11, 2023
Showcase of various concepts I have designed in the years 2020-22