Fintech Platform Brand Strategy and Marketing Platform

Memo Esparza


Brand Strategist

Design Systems

UI Designer

Open Collective is a financial management platform that enables grassroots groups to raise and spend money transparently.

I started working with Open Collective as an individual design contributor, then transitioned to a client relationship, and, a couple of projects and years later, I ended up leading the design operations of the organization.
The project that helped me solidify my position as a change-maker within Open Collective was the branding revamp I led to humanize the brand's digital presence. I partnered with an illustrator to augment the existing Open Collective logo with a unique visual system.

This visual system enabled us to revamp the company's marketing presence, build internal and external communication resources (presentations, press releases, internal communication documents), and lay the foundation for the look and feel of the product.

Open Collective logo before and after the rebranding
New branding and visual system for Open Collective
New branding and visual system for Open Collective
New homepage header after the rebranding
New homepage header after the rebranding
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We created a unique identity for FinTech, a brand transformation driven by the need to be "less oriented towards tech and more towards humans."








Brand Strategist

Design Systems

UI Designer

Memo Esparza

Design Producer. Brand, Web & Product, Framer Expert

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