Infographic Book - MMIW

Quay Montgomery


Graphic Designer

Infographic Designer


My aim for this project is to present information in an infographic book that is visually appealing and showcases my research and design skills. As a designer, I love to use my skills and knowledge to bring attention to topics that are not very commonly known. I believe it is important to raise awareness, and I am glad to play a part in doing so. On the National Day of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW), we remember Indigenous sisters, wives, mothers, and daughters who are missing and have not been found. My design and research skills have been utilized to create an infographic book in order to support the movement to bring justice to Indigenous communities. This issue has been prevalent for decades, and the wounds of Indigenous communities remain fresh. This book provides an in-depth explanation of what MMIW is, how significant it is to Indigenous communities, and what individuals can do to help address it. I hope through my work to shed further light on this issue and contribute to the movement for justice and healing.
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My aim for this project is to present information in an infographic book that is visually appealing and showcases my research and design skills.






Graphic Designer

Infographic Designer


Quay Montgomery

Graphic Designer

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