Revolutionizing LED Lighting: TLS and Madrix B2B Video Series

Veronica Podluzski

Social Media Manager
Social Media Marketer
Content Creator
TLS LumiSign
As a social media marketing specialist, I was responsible for creating a 6-part video series for the brand TLS, featuring a guest appearance by Madrix. The objective of the video series was to educate our partners and clients on how to program our TLS Led Lighting solutions with the Madrix pixel mapping.
My role in this project involved designing and scheduling content in line with the marketing efforts. I used tools such as the Adobe Suite to design and edit original photos, videos, and social media posts. Additionally, I created the copy and layout of marketing emails using tools like Active Campaign.
My content strategy focused on creating both formal and non-formal content that showcased our capabilities and generated open discussions with our target audiences. Through this strategy, we were able to grow our social media presence by 300%.
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