Creating an Effective Learning Experience for Parents

Rizka Shinta W


Mobile Designer

Product Designer


Whimsical Wireframes

Project Overview 🔍


Over half (55.4%) of millennial moms use social media for parenting information. They rely more on social media for information than their family or neighbors, which suggests that traditional values and family no longer have as much influence on their parenting.
Setyastuti, Yuanita & Suminar, Jenny & Hadisiwi, Purwanti & Zubair, Feliza. (2019). Millennial Moms: Social Media as The Preferred Source of Information about Parenting in Indonesia.
Setyastuti, Yuanita & Suminar, Jenny & Hadisiwi, Purwanti & Zubair, Feliza. (2019). Millennial Moms: Social Media as The Preferred Source of Information about Parenting in Indonesia.
The amount of information on social media is good, so parents have access. On the other hand, there is also a lot of misleading information. Parents must critically sort out the information that is available.

Information about parenting on social media can be misleading. Parents should be able to think critically when choosing information. Who is the source? Where does it come from? Mesty Ariotedjo (Pediatrician, Co-Founder Tentang Anak)


Social media can give parents misleading information about parenting and make it difficult for them to find what they really need
Information overload about parenting may lead to parental stress, worry, and self-doubt


Make parents easy to find reliable and relevant parenting information and resources
Help parents minimize information overload while also empowering them to become more capable and confident parents

Design Process 💠

Understand the user's context and needs

When: They become new parents
Where: Mostly at home
Happy, excited, worried, overwhelmed
New parents may be confused about where to start looking for information
Don't have much time to sort out the reliable and necessary information
A reliable place to look for parenting information
Easily find the relevant information in a short time
A guide to help them start learning about parenting


How might we make it easy for parents to find reliable and relevant parenting information?

Proposed solution: Personalized parenting module via:
Role; to assess parents' current knowledge.
Goal; what are the parents' specific goals?
Topic; relevant or interesting topics.
Duration; choose the appropriate learning duration.
Why personalized?
Improved engagement
Better learning outcomes
Increased motivation

How might we help parents minimize information overload?

Proposed solution: Microlearning strategy in designing module content.
Why microlearning?
Breaking information into small parts that are easy to process and remember. Each module should focus on one concept or idea.
Microlearning delivers on-demand information, allowing parents to quickly access the information they need, at any time
This microlearning approach also aligns with personalization. Tailor content to each parent's unique situations and challenges.

User Flow (Simplified)


Let's try the prototype!

Result ✨

Usability Findings

Problem 1: Users were unsure where to find all the modules because "Jelajah" includes both searching and all the modules together.
Proposed Solution: Displaying the search bar on the homepage, and changing the icon and name of "Jelajah" to "Semua Modul"
Problem 2: The user found it difficult to swipe back while completing a module because the area was too small.
Proposed Solution: Changing the interaction from swipe to tap because it is easier in a small area.
Problem 3: Users were not aware that cards within the module could be bookmarked.
Proposed Solution: Adding a guide at the beginning to inform users that cards within the module can be bookmarked.

What did I learn?

The difference between personalization and customization
Instructional design & learning experience design
Microlearning strategy
Exploring interactions & prototyping
Like this project

Posted Mar 11, 2023

Make it easy for parents to find reliable and relevant parenting information and minimize information overload with the microlearning strategy.








Mobile Designer

Product Designer


Whimsical Wireframes

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