Web Designer
Product Designer
Whimsical Wireframes
Most portfolios look the same.
Seeing pictures of the person on their website, their portfolio or whatever it might be, I do think is lovely is wonderful. It gives you just a sense of who they are and a lot of times, folks show kind of different images like if they like to go on hikes, they go sailing they’re a photographer, they have a family like these things are awesome — Katie Dill(Head of Design at Stripe).
Lapis lazuli is a highly spiritual stone and is known as the stone of truth and friendship. It brings harmony, love and protection to relationships. It also helps aid awareness and good judgement, which can help deepen relationships — Luna Tide
Posted Mar 11, 2023
Design a personal portfolio website that fits my brand personality so that I can stand out from others.
Web Designer
Product Designer
Whimsical Wireframes