
Toni Sabato

Art Director
Graphic Designer
Web Developer
Adobe Photoshop
ETH Zurich

CreativeLabz is a new innovative science education program, that aims to promote self-confidence, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and leadership in youth.

When it comes to website usability for kids between the ages of 12 and 16, designers must take into account their cognitive and physical abilities, as well as their preferences and expectations for online experiences. Websites designed for this age group should be engaging, intuitive, and easy to navigate.

Another key factor in website usability for teenagers is visual design. Websites must be visually appealing and engaging, with a modern and dynamic aesthetic that reflects the interests and preferences of this age group. 

The core of the project is a series of 6 consecutive workshops on Wednesday afternoons and additional intensive week-long projects.

The Spark ✨

ETH Zürich has requested my assistance in designing the website for Creative Labz, based on my background in science. The purpose of this website is to provide children and young adults with an accessible platform to learn about science. The main component of this project consist of a series of 6 workshops held consecutively on Wednesday afternoons, alongside additional week-long intensive projects. An essential feature of the website was an agenda displaying information regarding upcoming workshops and events. My responsibility with this project was to ensure that the website is designed with optimal functionality and ease of navigation to enhance the user's experience and promote learning.

The Stats 💯

Timeline: The website was designed and developed by me over the time of 2 months with bi-weekly meetings. Budget: 6000$ Deliverables: Art Direction, Web Design, Web Developement,

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