Kraken SDR

Alex Shchetynin

Backend Engineer
Mobile Engineer
Fullstack Engineer


The Android app works with KrakenSDR hardware to calculate and display transmitter bearings using GPS and compass data. It guides users by plotting bearings on a map, helping them locate transmitters.
KrakenRF Inc., a USA-based hardware startup, develops powerful and affordable phase-coherent software-defined radios.


KrakenRF needed an app to enhance communication between their hardware and users, improving transmitter location tracking through real-time data visualization.


We developed an Android app that seamlessly communicates with the KrakenSDR, enabling users to mount antennas on a vehicle, start the software, and track transmission sources from 100 MHz to 1 GHz. The app leverages GPS data and compass sensors to plot the estimated bearing to the transmitter on a map, guiding users with turn-by-turn directions to the source. We enhanced the app by migrating to Mapbox, upgrading compatibility for Android 13, and rebranding the UI. Additionally, we are currently developing an Augmented Reality (AR) feature that will visualize radio heatmaps, providing even more precise tracking in the future. The platform supports various use cases, including asset monitoring, HAM radio activities, rescue missions, and radio astronomy studies.


The app enhances KrakenSDR's usability, allowing users to efficiently track and locate transmitters. Its continued upgrades ensure compatibility with the latest technologies, bringing added value to end-users.
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