Night School Textbook

Esteban Arellano


Graphic Designer

Print Designer


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

Night School is an educational program run by legendary Atlanta creator Cam Kirk that teaches industry tips to the next generation of creatives. With weekly masterclasses on everything from photography lighting to styling and beyond, Night School has established itself as the go-to place to make cutting-edge work, making Cam Kirk Studios Atlanta's favorite place to create.

The Project

I designed the print materials that accompany Night School's courses — including an interactive workbook for students and textbooks that summarize the takeaways of each course. This specific textbook features lessons from RGB Twon's course on building a brand around a sense of personal style.
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Print textbook for Night School courses hosted by the legendary Cam Kirk Studios, raising the next generation of creatives in Atlanta.






Graphic Designer

Print Designer


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

Esteban Arellano

Designer. Artist. Community builder.

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