Article "Immerse yourself in abstract art"

Alex Vdovina


Article Writer


Problem & Solution 🤝

Most people, who are not familiar with art, don't understand what is so special about abstract paintings. That's why I decided to explain it on the example of Sally Gabori's works, how abstract artist express themselves, and what they want to say in that way. In addition, there were no such articles, that would review the Foundation Cartier exhibition (July 3. 2022 – November 6. 2022, Paris) and acquaint with the artist's story and works. My project could be used by the Foundation Cartier as a promotion of the exhibition, or by some art magazine to review current abstract art exhibitions.
Requirements: • visit the exhibition • explore everything about the artist and her works • explore existing articles about the artist to be sure to bring a unique vision • write and edit the article • search for illustrative photos and mention the source • place all together appropriately

Results 🎁

In my project I showed the way of creating paintings by retelling artist's cultural background, paying attention to the process of applying a paint, and described features of artist's style and techniques.
This article is bringing attention to the Australian artist and aboriginal history not many people know about, and induces to visit the exhibition.
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Posted Oct 7, 2022

This article gives a short overview of the Australian artist's paintings and techniques, referring to exhibited ones in the Foundation Cartier.






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