Brightly Community App

Jana Styblova

Brightly is a community of eco-minded individuals looking to become more sustainable in their living practices. In 2021 I re-designed the entire community iOS app in partnership with Brightly's CEO as well as Brightly's Shopify storefront with a fully custom interface.

Let's start with the app

Brightly has a huge community of eco-minded folks looking to collaborate and discuss sustainable living. Features include:
+ Chat Rooms, Forums, Commenting and DMs
+ Followable Topics, Weekly challenges, and Articles
+ Integrated discoverable shopping of partner and Brightly branded products
As Design Director, the biggest challenge faced was how to onboard 10s of thousands of Instagram followers and an existing 6 thousand app users into a holistic chat app that included traditional chat features, but also discoverable articles, groups, challenges, podcasts and more. With the CEO, I designed an entire ecosystem, with a warm embracing aesthetic partnered with a complex Reddit meets Discord meets Facebook Marketplace mobile platform. This might be one of the most complex things I worked on from an architectural perspective, and took a lot of iteration, testing, and mind mapping to get the architecture accessible and fully intertwined. 
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Posted Oct 3, 2024

I re-designed the entire community iOS app in partnership with Brightly's CEO as well as Brightly's Shopify storefront with a fully custom interface.

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