Gensense - AI SaaS Template

Siddharth Ponnapalli

Web Designer
Product Designer
Framer Developer
Video demo
Gensense is an AI SaaS template designed specifically for AI startups, effortlessly create stunning visuals, text, videos, and immersive audio experiences.
Adjust to your liking, and publish a professional website for your agency in minutes.

Looking for a website that gets you leads & clients?

Gensense is a dynamic Framer Template created for startups that work with Artificial Intelligence (AI). From the layout to the copy, it’s carefully designed to get your business more leads and clients. Gensense is optimized for speed and SEO, ensuring that your website loads quickly and is easy to find on Google.
And the template is fully responsive, so your new website looks stunning on every device. Customize the template to be uniquely yours in minutes — change everything you want, from the colors to the text and the images to the layout.
No coding required, just remix and use! Preview :
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