Small Sample Edit

Brittany Ortega


Copy Editor


Microsoft Office 365

This project was a small school project by an English as a second language student. The student was writing an art summary dialogue. Her goal was to create a clean and grammatically accurate product.
Process- I first formatted the sheet so that it was all black text, this makes it easier to see my edits. Next, I fixed all the obvious formatting, so I moved the text to line up with each character's initial. After that, I started looking for stand-out word choice/sentence errors. The initial piece had a few fragment sentences (not complete sentences) and 1 run-on sentence (multiple sentences strung together). Further, I went looking for awkward sentences, tense errors, and continuity errors in spelling and word usage. I did leave anything not written in English, as I only copyedit in English.
Product- The final product is grammatically correct and more easily read by native English readers. One thing I will point out in this piece is that out of context it is hard to understand. It is my job to make what has been written more readable and accurate in terms of language. Copyediting cannot improve a storyline or develop characters. The job of copyediting is to improve on what is already written and let the author know where more is needed, where less is needed, or when a different word may be stronger. This product was a quick turn around time and was short in nature.
Before Editing-Raw Product
Before Editing-Raw Product
Edited Version- Product to client
Edited Version- Product to client
Finished Edit-Edits fully accepted
Finished Edit-Edits fully accepted
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Posted Mar 27, 2022

Small Sample Edit






Copy Editor


Microsoft Office 365

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Example of Editor's Notes Page (Optional)
Full Copyedit for Nourished
Full Copyedit for Nourished