Embarked on a transformative journey with Serri, rejuvenating their outdated website plagued with design issues. This month-long commitment resulted in a sleek and modern 10-pager, aligning with the latest design trends.
Key Achievements:
Design Elegance: Overhauled the site's aesthetic from basic to sleek, introducing a fresh design theme and modern color schemes for visual appeal.
CMS Integration: Implemented a robust CMS for seamless blog management, enhancing content accessibility and user engagement.
Comprehensive Website: Expanded the website to a comprehensive 10-pager, covering every aspect of Serri's offerings with precision and clarity.
Traffic Surge: The revamped website yielded tangible results, significantly boosting Serri's online traffic and contributing to an enhanced digital footprint.
Framer Pro Partnership: Leveraging my status as an Official Framer Partner, I secured a 3-month free Framer Pro Membership for Serri, empowering them with advanced design capabilities.
Client Appreciation:
Serri expressed profound appreciation for the revamped site, marking a successful collaboration that not only addressed design concerns but also positioned them for increased online success.