Embryōnic Studio // Expert Driven Revamp

Tanish Mittal


Web Developer

UI Designer

Framer Designer



Collaborating with Embryonic Studio, a dynamic venture studio specializing in the zero-to-one stage, this transformative project involved enhancing their existing website. The journey led to a symbiotic relationship, resulting in freelance consultancy and ongoing collaborations.
Key Contributions:
Visual Refinement: Addressed animation glitches, revamped hover elements, and introduced an improved theme scheme for a visually cohesive and engaging website.
Functional Enhancements: Resolved a scrolling animation bug, implemented a CMS-powered team section with seamless redirection, and created a dedicated team page for a streamlined user experience.
Freelance Consultancy: The success of the project prompted Embryonic Studio to officially welcome me as a freelance consultant, leading to a fruitful ongoing collaboration.
Comprehensive Optimization: Overhauled the contact form using Dante.ai, integrated lightbox modals for user engagement, introduced a chatbot, and optimized SEO for increased visibility.
Native Framer Magic: Crafted custom components within Framer to precisely meet Embryonic Studio's unique needs, showcasing the platform's adaptability and versatility.
Chatbot Integration and Lightbox Fix
Chatbot Integration and Lightbox Fix
Impact and Future Collaborations:
The project not only resolved technical issues but also solidified a lasting partnership, symbolizing a seamless integration of design expertise and client collaboration. Grateful for the opportunity to contribute to Embryonic Studio's digital evolution and excited about future projects.
Gratitude to Embryonic Studio for the trust and collaborative spirit.
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Revamped Embryōnic Studio's website with Framer magic: fixed bugs, enhanced visuals, and earned a freelance consultant role.






embryonic studio


Web Developer

UI Designer

Framer Designer



Tanish Mittal

Top 1% Framer Expert.

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